Download your copy of the Colonoscopy in China Guide today

Our guide to colonoscopy treatments and costs in China is a valuable resource for anyone looking at bowel health procedures. Download your free copy to find out what you need to know about having a colonoscopy in China.

Download your guide to a Colonoscopy in China

Be prepared for your procedure

Whether you’ve been referred for a colonoscopy by your doctor, or you’re considering a precautionary health check due to a family history of colorectal cancer, our guide can help you be better prepared for what’s to come.

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Learn more about colonoscopies in China

The Colonoscopy in China Guide answers a wide range of questions that people commonly ask when they know they have the procedure coming up. In particular, this guide covers:

  • What a colonoscopy is, how it works, and when you might need one
  • Costs of colonoscopies in China and whether insurance covers such procedures
  • Key things to remember when having a colonoscopy - before, during, and afterward
The guide is brief but informative, with information sourced from our expert medical insurance advisors based in Shanghai and Beijing.

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Who generally needs colonoscopies?

Doctors will recommend colonoscopies for:

    • People aged 50 and above
    • People with a family history of colorectal cancer
    • People with a history of polyps
    • Those who have already had colorectal cancer
    • People with specific symptoms
    There can be many factors as to why you might need to be arranged a colonoscopy screening, so you should always consult your doctor or physician first. That said, downloading this guide ahead of time can help you better understand this procedure so that you’re fully aware of what’s happening should your doctor refer you for a colonoscopy.

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Download the Colonoscopy in China Guide for free today

This guide on colonoscopies in China is just another way in which the Pacific Prime China team strives to simplify insurance. Download our guide free now for yourself or someone you know, and get in touch to talk directly about insurance solutions that can help support your medical needs in China.

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