Category Archive For "Employee Benefits"
Flexible working arrangements in China
As the COVID-19 pandemic abates, flexible working arrangements are here to stay. Talent recruitment and retention have always been a key issue faced by companies based in China. Many companies opt for a flexible schedule, as a result, to attract their staff to stay. Likewise, there has been a trend of flexible employment in local …
Introducing our first-ever report on global employee benefits trends
Against the backdrop of the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic this year, resulting in job insecurity, mass unemployment, as well as a rapid shift towards work-from-home policies, Pacific Prime China is extremely proud to introduce our first ever-report on global employee benefits trends in 2020. The report offers an in-depth look at the top six benefits …
China’s booming health insurance industry
The last 40 years of rapid growth has seen China rise to become the second-largest economy in the world with a population of 1.42 billion people. The country has fueled growth throughout the Asia-Pacific region, forming strong connections with neighboring countries and other economies around the world. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world …
Fun at work: 6 useful tips for organizations
Having fun at work should be the norm, especially considering that we spend roughly a third of our lives at work. Incorporating fun activities at the office can also help reinforce a sense of belonging and inspire employees to stay working in the organization for longer – a goal that any Human Resource (HR) manager …
The benefits of mindfulness at work
Work is an important aspect of our lives. It provides us with a sense of meaning and salary to pay the bills. But work can also be a major source of stress, which lingers way past regular work hours, due to the technological advancements and “always-on” culture. In fact, such a fast-paced and stressful life …