Category Archive For "Health"
New guide about chronic pain care providers in China released
The back hurts yet again. We’ve certainly slept poorly; a lousy mattress is to blame. The pain lingers, until one day we find that it’s staying for good. When we notice that pain, we start to seek help, but we’re also confused with what type of treatments are available, and where to find them. Chiropractic, …
Top causes of death in China today and in the future
Progress is a wonderful thing, as it generally affords us a better quality of life, with more modern conveniences, entertaining distractions, and lavish luxuries than in years past. However, many times we find that getting rid of old problems only leads to a whole host of new ones. In this way, we see that modern …
Hearing loss in China: The background and the costs
If you’ve been in China for any significant amount of time, there’s a good chance you have developed an appreciation for the very pleasant sensory input that the country has to offer. While this may seem like a weird way to put it, there’s no denying that the sights of traditional Chinese architecture and culture …
Pap exam guide released by Pacific Prime China
Women in China, especially expatriate women, oftentimes have a lot of questions about receiving high quality obstetric and gynecological care. Women moving to the major metropolitan areas of Shanghai and Beijing, and who are new to these areas, will already have plenty to learn when it comes to addressing the basic healthcare needs of they …
New guide on colonoscopies in China released!
Virtually all of us are guaranteed a few uncomfortable medical experiences in our lifetime. For women, that might mean a Pap smear; for men, that might mean a prostate exam. And then there are colonoscopies, which many men and women will need to experience at least once in their lives. If you’ve never had a …