Category Archive For "Health"
Healthcare in Beijing: international hospitals, clinics, and insurance options for expats
New to Beijing? Perhaps you are worried about something unfortunate befalling you in an unfamiliar city. Fret not, China’s capital has a good range of healthcare options. Public hospitals, VIP wards, and Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals are all available for expats. That being said, if there’s one thing expats here have their eyes on, it’s …
The at-home fitness boom in China
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly revolutionized the way people in China view their physical and mental health. With the pandemic still rife around the world and in China, people who would normally check into their gyms are instead, staying at home and utilizing online fitness resources to sustain their workout and fitness regime. This massive …
7 questions to reflect on before the new year
It’s about time to set New Year’s resolutions for 2021, but before we set goals for the next year, why not take the time to ponder on what we have done in the year that has passed? Let’s face it – 2020 has not been the best year. The world has been heavily hit by …
7 tips for a happy and healthy holiday season
Every year around this time, many of us start to long for our favorite holiday traditions. Christmas time is when we gather with family and loved ones, attend Christmas parties, and enjoy Christmas treats like cookies and eggnog. While Christmas is the time of year that we can let loose and celebrate, it’s important to …
Which face masks protect against the COVID-19 virus?
With the emergence of the novel COVID-19 virus, face masks have boomed in popularity. Whether it’s surgical masks, N95 respirators, cloth masks/coverings, or even face shields, the options are indeed endless. So much so, that it has left everyone wondering: what are the best and worst masks for coronavirus protection? Discover more about each type …