Category Archive For "Health"
Public Shanghai hospitals, VIP clinics, and international hospitals: 6 key differences
“Where should I go for care?” is usually one of the top questions asked by newcomers to Shanghai. This is an especially pertinent question in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Ever since mid-2014, when the Chinese government permitted wholly foreign owned hospitals in seven cities and provinces, the quality and choice of care for …
Emergency hospitals for expats in Beijing and Shanghai
Medical emergencies often happen at the most inopportune times. How do you make sure you are prepared for serious accidents as an expat living in China? In this Pacific Prime China article, we would like to gift our readers with peace of mind. They say, “the more you know, the better”. Here, we’ll go over …
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – China’s color-based health code system
Earlier in February, the Chinese government combined mobile technology and big data to establish a color-based health code (or QR code) system. The purpose of the system was to track and monitor people’s movement in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus. After three months of use, the health tracking system has now evolved …
Chinese hospitals employ telemedicine to fight against COVID-19
In the wake of COVID-19, telemedicine has been playing a pivotal role in China’s direct response to curbing the spread of the outbreak. The technology is being embraced by more people across China as they opt to stay at home in fear of the looming second wave of infections. Medical professionals and hospitals are utilizing …
Boosting your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anyone can be infected by the novel coronavirus, but those with weakened immune systems are more vulnerable. This fact has even the healthiest people wondering what they can do to improve their immune system while under lockdown or self isolating due to the virus. In this Pacific Prime China article, we’ll look at boosting your …