Category Archive For "Insurance"
Preparing for pregnancy: maternity leave and insurance in China
Are you thinking about starting a family in China? Deciding to start planning for a child is huge news! It’s an exciting time and one that can be filled with hopes, dreams, and wondering: what do I need to do to ensure the best for our pregnancy? Besides names and and deciding what color to …
Choosing health insurance for young families
Families with young children know the panicked trip to the hospital all too well – whether it’s a high fever, an allergic reaction, or even an accident on the playground, you just want the best care for your little ones. If you want to avoid out-of-pocket payments whilst doing so, purchasing a family health insurance …
China health insurance: Local vs. international plans
Working abroad in China can be both a wondrous and daunting experience. In a land with such a rich culture and varied terrain, one can easily be captivated by the country’s beauty and charm. However, pollution, language barriers, and rising costs can certainly take a toll on China newbies. China’s healthcare system perhaps exemplifies this …
How China’s use of artificial intelligence helps it deal with the COVID-19 pandemic
China has long had a fragmented health system, burdened by a rapidly aging population and an inadequate number of medical practitioners. Therefore, the country has already been looking at artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies to help alleviate this problem. Now, with a COVID-19 pandemic to contain in some of the world’s most densely populated …
High-cost providers in China: What you need to know
In the last 10 years, there has been a significant rise in the number of private hospitals, institutions, and clinics across China, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. Many of these private hospitals are categorized as high-cost providers and have been favored by foreign expatriates, medical tourists, and affluent Chinese individuals. The reason for their growth …