Category Archive For "Insurance"
A Guide to Medical Evacuation
Pacific Prime China is pleased to announce the release of our latest guide dedicated to the topic of medical evacuation. This much often mentioned and recommended benefit in travel and international health insurance policies might sometimes be misunderstood by the policyholders. To better explain the topic and showcase examples of how such an emergency medical …
3 reasons why foreign insurers will expand their presence in China in 2020
As we draw an end to 2019, our insurance experts are here to give you some insights on the insurance market trends in China for 2020 and onwards. The most notable trend is that foreign insurance companies will become more prominent in the Chinese insurance market. In this article by Pacific Prime China, we will …
Your guide to winter illness in China
For expats, their first winter in China can often be a nightmare. Getting infected with a disease your body isn’t familiar with can take a long time to recover from. With temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celcius) in northern cities like Beijing, catching a deadly cold can leave you bed-ridden for weeks. That’s …
Childhood immunization for foreign children in China
Whether you’re planning on visiting or already living in China, it’s important for you and your family to stay healthy while in the country. With so many things to do and places to see, China remains one of the top destinations for short- and long-term visitors alike. However, you may want to ensure you and …
Better sleep may shorten children’s hospital stays
Parents do their best to maintain a regular sleep schedule with their children, through bedtime routines that include reading bedtime stories, turning on nightlights, and tucking them in. However, this ritual is disturbed whenever a child has to spend the night in the hospital. By blurring the lines between day and nighttime, hospital settings make …