Category Archive For "Insurance"
Insurance inflation in China: What’s driving your premium prices?
The Chinese insurance market continues to be a dynamic one. Driven by a number of factors, from middle class demand through to insurance providers moving onshore, the rate of insurance inflation in China has seen a significant drop in 2017. The annual International Private Medical Insurance Inflation – 2018 report by our parent company, Pacific …
What are my self-employed insurance options in China?
Self-employment is definitely not without its perks. As your own boss you blaze your own trail, instead of following a pre-set career path. Another major advantage of taking the plunge into self-employment is that you can work whenever you want – and say goodbye to the 9-to-5 workday. There are, of course, several downsides to …
Pacific Prime presents to IPSEF Asia conference in Shanghai
The International and Private Schools Education Forum (IPSEF) is a series of high level global conferences that seeks to connect keynote presentations, discussions, and networking with leading school, investment, government, and education supplier figures. This month, Pacific Prime China sent its very own Head of Property & Casualty, Sylver Zhong, to speak to those in …
Limitations of TCM coverage in employee benefits
Whether you are an employer or an employee in China, you likely will have at least a passing familiarity with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Even if you are an expat in China, it really should come as no surprise that having access to TCM is important to Chinese people. Depending on where you are, and …
Insurer stability and your China health insurance plan
Moving to China from abroad can be a chaotic time. You already have a lot to juggle when it comes to finding accommodations and personal effects in your new home, getting used to the local work and social culture, and much more. In other words, you have a lot to worry about in your own …