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Pacific Prime attends Family Fun Run in support of cancer

Pacific Prime attended a Family Fun Run organized by More Than Aware to support breast cancer and raise awareness.

Posted on May 26, 2015 by Rob McBroom

On May 9th, Pacific Prime China attended a Family Fun Run hosted by More Than Aware. The event, hosted in Century Park, saw people of all ages running either 2K or 5K around the park in support of breast cancer survivors.

For this year’s event, we sponsored 100 tickets with 50 being given to Pacific Prime staff who attended the run, and 50 being donated to Shanghai Cancer Recovery Center survivors, allowing them the chance to come and be a part of the day’s events.  

Aside from partaking in the Family Fun Run, we also had a booth with games for kids including Ring Toss, and gave out candy to participants.

Spotlight on More Than Aware

For more nearly three decades the pink ribbon has been the symbol of breast cancer awareness and survivors. More Than Aware has taken this idea - one of awareness - and expanded upon it so that it now encompasses action and empowerment of women.

What they do is offer women with breast cancer additional services and support beyond what is offered in Shanghai by the hospitals. These services are aimed at helping women be proactive about breast cancer prevention, achieve wellness from within, and in turn support other women.

Women all over Shanghai have come to rely on More Than Aware and all the service has to offer and Pacific Prime is happy to help support this organization and all they stand for. Click here to visit our site with pictures from the event.  

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