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Pacific Prime’s Vitto Depino talks health insurance

Sometimes, one of the best ways to learn more about a product or service is to listen to an expert talk about it. From instructional videos on YouTube to TED Talks and even podcasts, there are a ton of ways you can learn. Recently, Pacific Prime China’s Managing Partner, Vitto Depino, took to the airwaves with Ally Mona of Limitless Laowai to talk about her experience, Pacific Prime, and most importantly, health insurance for expats in China.

Posted on Apr 23, 2015 by Rob McBroom

Limitless Laowai, a new podcast created by a small team of long-term expats in China, provides informative insight into important things expats in the region need to know. In their 95th episode, Depino covered a wide number of topics including:

  • How Depino came to Shanghai
  • Pacific Prime - how it was started and what we do
  • Key points when considering buying health insurance
  • Direct Billing vs Reimbursement
  • Local vs international – why China is so expensive
  • and more.

This informative episode comes at a great time for Pacific Prime, because we are currently in the process of releasing a three-part report focusing on the cost of health insurance. The report looks at 94 countries and the average price one can expect to pay for an individual international health insurance plan. China is a popular region for international insurance, and as such, we have included an in-depth analysis of China and prices which will be published in Article 2 of the report.

We recommend listening to the podcast now, and bookmarking it. When Article 2 of the report is released, revisit the podcast with the report to learn even more about the price of health insurance in China and why it is so expensive. Beyond that, Depino goes to great lengths to break down a vastly complex industry into something everyone can understand, making it ideal for any expat considering health insurance in China.

Listen to the podcast on the Limitless Laowai site today, and visit Pacific Prime’s main page to download the first part of the report - the second is scheduled to be published in early May. And, if you have any questions, please do contact us today!

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