Legal Liability Coverage in China
Welcome to Pacific Prime China's brand new product designed to protect you against legal liabilities China. LiabilityGuardian, through PICC P&C, offers coverage for your legal liabilites, from third party property damage to sports liability. More details are below, find out how our liability insurance is essential for all occupations.
Exclusive personal liability solution in mainland China
Range of Benefits
Easy Application
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LiabilityGuardian Features
General Liability - Covers your legal liability by law for damage to a third parties' property, or bodily injury due to negligence.
Guardians’ Liability - Covers your legal liability by law for any third party property damage or bodily injury caused by persons under your guardianship such as child under 18 years old.
Household Liability - Covers you and your family members' legal liability by law for any third party property damage or bodily injury within your insured premises due to negligence.
Employer’s Liability - Covers your legal liability by law for your domestic helper in case of accidental injury, dismemberment and death in the course of employment.
Sports Activity Liability - Covers your legal liability for any third party property damage or bodily injury due to negligence while you are undertaking sport activities outside your residential place. Sport activities includes those sports aimed at enhancing physical fitness including but not limited to field sports, gymnastics, all kinds of ball games, swimming, martial art, climbing, shooting, skating, snowskiing, weight lifting, wrestling, swordplaying, bicycling, etc.
Servant’s Liability - Covers your legal liability for any damage to third party property or bodily injury caused by your domestic servant due to negligence in the course of employment.
Servant’s Fidelity - Covers your loss of home property due to fraud, theft, robbery by your domestic employee, or due to fire, explosion caused by illegal, criminal behavior or malicious sabotage by your domestic employee.
Pet Liability - Covers your legal liability for any damage to third party property or bodily injury caused by your legally-owned pets.
Landlord’s Liability - Covers the legal liability for tenants and their families for bodily injury caused directly by fire, explosion, leakage of electricity or gas, breakdown or collapse of house structure within the insured premises due to your negligence as a landlord.

General Main Exclusions
- Intentional act of the insured, its family members, lodgers or employed servants;
- While the Insured or its family members are conducting work, professional services, work duties, or any other commercial services;
- While the Insured is involved in activities that are illegal, violates the law;
- Wars, military operations, riot or military coup, any terrorist activities explosion, burns or radiation exposure from atomic or nuclear installations;
- Contractual liabilities;
- Liabilities to third parties in the process of Insured using motor vehicles, aircrafts or ships;
- Any damage and liabilities caused by epdemic disease;
- Injury caused to third party because of mental illness of insured or its family members;
- Spiritual or moral damage and other consequential loss;
- Liabilities outside mainland China;
- Pet's liabilities against plants or other pets;
- Domestic servant's accidental injury under influence of alcohol or drugs.
Note: This document is for description purpose only. Please refer to the insurance contract for details.
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