Download your copy of the State of Health Insurance in China 2017-2018

This inaugural report, the first in the industry, has been written to serve as a robust resource for anyone looking for the best health insurance in China.

Download the State of Health Insurance in China 2017-2018 report

The state of international health insurance in China

Combining our nearly 20 years of experience in China with our team's unique knowledge, we have created this report to serve as a valuable resource that can be utilized to review existing coverage or identify the best international private medical insurance (IPMI) in China.

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The state of international health insurance in China

Whether you are looking for health insurance for yourself, your family, or your company it is inevitable that you will have questions. In order to help, this report was written to answer the five most common health insurance questions asked by our clients:

  • How much does international coverage cost?
  • What can I expect to pay for coverage in the future?
  • What insurers offer plans in China?
  • When should I buy coverage?
  • Are there any trends I should be aware of?

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Simplified insight not found anywhere else

In order to provide clear insight into health insurance for our readers, as well as answer the questions above, we have split the report into eight sections. These sections focus on:

    1. About the report and Pacific Prime
    2. The cost of health insurance in China
    3. Health insurance inflation in China
    4. The top insurers in the market
    5. When insurance is purchased
    6. Global changes to be aware of
    7. IPMI trends
    8. Health insurance issues faced by companies

Read our regional reports

We have also created regional reports on the state of health insurance for our main offices. Click the links below to read them:

Get the State of Health Insurance in China 2017-2018 today

Download your free copy of the State of Health Insurance in China 2017-2018 today to learn more about finding the best health insurance in China.

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